samedi 1 octobre 2016

Money, Money, Everywhere

No matter how little money you have, you might be surprised to discover that you have some in places you would never think to look.
How many times have you gone to the store and put the change into your pocket or pocketbook, and forgotten that it was there? Over the years I have heard numerous stories like that.
One woman was always finding bills and coins in the oddest places. When I asked her why she didn't remember having put them there she told me that sometimes she needed to do something as soon as she got home and then hung up her coat without checking the pockets or changed pocketbooks without transferring everything from one to the other.
I would have thought that a person who was always finding a few dollars here and there would think to look for money when she needed it most. Yet this woman never did. Each time she looked in a pocketbook or wallet, she always found some.
If I had ever had the experience, even once, of finding money in my coat pocket, a purse, or a wallet, those are the first places I would look when I didn't have enough money to buy some food.
But even more than that, there are many people who open up small bank accounts for emergency money and then forget all about it. I was one of those people although I didn't really forget about it.
Whenever I was short of cash, I would think about that account that was holding my fifty dollars and ask myself if this was really an emergency. After assuring myself that it was not a life or death emergency, I would decide to leave it in the bank.
One day, many years later, I received a letter from my bank telling me that they were going to be charging me a monthly fee for storing my money. I quickly got into my car and headed over to the bank.
When I got up to the teller I thanked her for sending me the letter and told her that it reminded me that I had this account and now I would close it out. She was flabbergasted and started to whine, "It wasn't meant for you to withdraw your money, just to deposit more."
She didn't see me smiling as I left the bank, clutching my fifty dollars in my hot little hands.
Connie H. Deutsch is an internationally known business consultant and personal advisor who has a keen understanding of human nature and is a natural problem-solver.
